Towards More Robust Outdoor Compute Vision: A Case Study on Haze


Nesta sexta-feira, 29/6, teremos a palestra do Dr. Zhangyang (Atlas)
Wang, que trabalha com visão computacional, multimedia e aprendizado
de máquina.

Título: Towards More Robust Outdoor Compute Vision: A Case Study on Haze

Abstract: While many sophisticated models are developed for visual
information  processing, very few pay attention to their usability in
the presence of data  quality degradations. Most successful models are
trained and evaluated on high quality visual datasets. On the other
hand, the robustness of those computer vision models are often not
assured in degraded visual environments. Especially for outdoor
scenarios. low target resolution, occlusion, motion blur, missing
data, poor light, and bad weather conditions, are all ubiquitous for
visual recognition in the wild. In this talk, I will use haze as a
case example, to introduce our progress on handling non-standard
outdoor visual degradations, using deep learning methods. I will go
through first single image dehazing, follow by video dehazing, then
coming to introduce our recent benchmarking and evaluation efforts.

Horário: 14h

Local: Sala 144 bloco B - IME - USP

Short Bio:
Dr. Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer
Science and Engineering (CSE), at the Texas A&M University (TAMU).
During 2012-2016, he was a Ph.D. student in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering (ECE) Department, at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), working with Professor Thomas S. Huang.
Prior to that, he obtained the B.E. degree at the University of
Science and Technology of China (USTC), in 2012. He was a former
research intern with Microsoft Research (summer 2015), Adobe Research
(summer 2014), and US Army Research Lab (summer 2013). Dr. Wang’s
research has been addressing machine learning, computer vision and
multimedia signal processing problems, as well as their
interdisciplinary applications, using advanced feature learning and
optimization techniques. He has co-authored over 40 papers, and
published several books and chapters. He has been granted 3 patents,
and has received around 20 research awards and scholarships. He served
as a guest editor for IEEE TNNLS and EURASIP JASP/JBSB; an Area Chair
for WACV 2019 and ICIP 2017; a TPC co-chair for ICCV AMFG 2017; a
special session co-chair for VCIP 2017; a tutorial organizer/speaker
in SIAM IS 2018, CVPR 2017 and ECCV 2016; a workshop organizer in IEEE
FG, IJCAI and SDM; and a regular reviewer or TPC member for over 40
top journals and conferences. His research has been covered by
worldwide media, such as BBC, Fortune, International Business Times,
TAMU news, and UIUC news & alumni magazine. More could be found at: