Video Object Tracking with Deep Siamese Networks


É com prazer que convidamos a tod@s para mais um seminário de
eScience. A palestra será dada pelo Dr. Henrique Morimitsu, ex-aluno
do nosso programa e que acaba de voltar de um posdoc no INRIA com a
Dra. Cordélia Schmid.

Título: Video Object Tracking with Deep Siamese Networks

Palestrante: Henrique Morimitsu

Data: 25/05/2018

Horário: 14h

Local: Auditório Jacy Monteiro

Resumo: Video object tracking consists in following an object of
interest in a video sequence. Visual tracking is a challenging task
because the only available information is contained in a single
annotated frame. Recently, deep siamese network architectures have
been proposed to tackle the tracking problem, and they have achieved
high accuracy and speed in standard benchmarks. This talk will provide
an overview of the concept and motivations behind siamese networks and
how recent methods have applied them to video object tracking.

A apresentação será em português.