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The research group of Database Modeling, Transactions, and data Analysis (DATA Group) was born at 2000, supported by Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) - University of São Paulo (USP) and Bioinformatics Center (BIOINFO-USP).
Nowadays, the DATA group has developed researches and diverse projects for academic and application purpose, specially in database integration; modeling, analysis, and implementation of business processes, scientific workflows, and databases; data warehouses; asynchronous transactions; information retrieval. This DATA group also supports database system courses for undergraduate and graduate, providing technical support, seminars, lectures, advisers, and presentations in recent issues on Database Systems.

+55 (11) 3091-9980

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Rua do Matão, 1010
IME-USP, Bloco B, sala ___
CEP 05508-050
São Paulo - SP