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Founded in 1992, the Vision Group at IME - USP is composed of eight professors working on theoretical and applied research topics in computer vision, image processing, structural and statistical pattern recognition and bioinformatics. Currently, the group supervises more than 60 graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and undergraduates.
The group maintains collaborations with other members of the Computer Science Department and other Brazilian and international institutions. Since its foundation, the group has graduated more than 100 students (among MSc's and PhD's), and published approximately 160 journal papers and 330 conference papers.
Former students of the group get positions in several universities and industries in Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia. The Vision Group is also active in technology development such as open source (most of them can be found in Sourceforge or in our website) software and partnership with IT industry.

+55 (11) 3091-6135

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Rua do Matão, 1010
CEP 05508-050
São Paulo - SP